Your pet matters to you, so that means their well-being matters to us. Keeping you and your four-legged best friend full & happy is our priority.
For Peoria and Surrounding Areas
Neighborhood House delivers over 195,250 home-delivered meals annually to homebound seniors. Many seniors on the program have a pet that is extremely important to them. Neighborhood House knows the important role the pet serves in the life of the homebound senior who lives alone. Studies have also indicated the ever present loyalty of a pet reduces stress, physical suffering, enhances self-esteem and, most importantly, combats loneliness and emotional isolation.
One thing we discovered with our seniors is that they would share their Meals on Wheels with their pet if they didn’t have pet food. With this in mind, we initiated the Critter Meals on Wheels program. Through this program, participants are able to eat their lunch and we provide pet food for their animal. At the present time, we are delivering pet food to 158 pets. Through the support we receive from friends of the Critter Meals on Wheels program, we are able to continue this important service.
For more information about Critter Meals on Wheels, please contact Noah Palm,, 309-674-1131 ext. 300